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Shamanic Breathwork Healing

Powerful - Transformational - Healing

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Rachel will open Sacred space to provide a safe and supportive healing container for your session, she will then embark on a shamanic journey to learn what medicine is needed for your healing journey.  From here we will set an intention for your journey. You will be guided into a relaxed and meditative state before moving into deeper breathing conscious connected circular breathing. Deep breathing is a doorway into your body and deeper states of awareness.


Breathwork sessions are 2 hours in length. We begin with a chat and to discuss anything you are currently working through and your intentions for the sessions. A sacred container is set for this deeply transformational journey. The breath itself consists of 45 minutes conscious connected breath, we create a circular breathing pattern that brings you in to deep connection with your body. The safe container allows you to feel and express any blocked, old, stored emotions, to release anything you have been stuffing down and holding on to. This deeply cathartic practice releases old stories, trauma, blocked and stored emotions and tension. This  powerful release practice deepens your connection to self, inner wisdom and spirit. I will hold a safe and secure space for you to explore your inner realms through the power of your breath. We spend some time together after the breath to explore what has come through in your session, to process and integrate the session and to ground your energy.


Sessions are 90 minutes to 2 hours in length, depending on what you need, wear comfortable clothing, drink plenty of water and do not eat anything too heavy prior to your session.

Wow! Just love Rachel's deep healing work. Rachel is a very powerful healer and working with her always sparks ancient wisdom in my soul. After every session I feel different - something has always shifted, moved and healed. This lady creates space in you whole energy field - space that clears old wounds and shadows so your true power, love, light and who you really are can step in. Jo

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